TT128 Affiliate Resourcesy
As a partner of TT128, you are given access to a variety of online resources that will help you market the brand on your website(s). Here is a list of the resources available to you:
Affiliate banners & text links:
There are over 200 banners in all major sizes 120x240, 120x600, 250x250, 480x60 and text links to suit your online marketing needs.Banners come in English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese advertising all our products – sportsbook (soccer, basketball, football, tennis, baseball), casino and latest promotions and offers.Choose the banners and or text links which work best for you and paste the HTML code. Do remember to login to your affiliate account prior to copying banner or text link codes for posting on your site. Failure to login means your affiliate ID, or username, will not be embedded in the tracking URL and all players you send to TT128 will not be linked to you, resulting to nonpayment of commission.
Trackers are available so you may easily keep track of the banners you use on your website. Using trackers is basically assigning banner or link profiles so you can easily identify which banner or link on your website converts best.
Screenshot library:
Screenshots are an excellent marketing tool as they provide potential customers a sneak peek into the world of TT128. All you need to do is select the product you would like to promote and paste the corresponding screenshot.
A detailed and comprehensive report on your performance is updated daily. Here, you can view the total clicks, signups, number of player deposits (whom you referred), and your current net gaming income.
We frequently post news and feature articles that can help you learn the most effective strategies for running your Affiliate business. Learn tips, industry news, past events and resource materials
Each month TT128 releases a newsletter exclusively for our affiliates. Read about our current and upcoming promotions, industry news and events, or any changes that may affect you.
Promotions and offers:
Our promotions page is constantly updated to provide our Affiliates with the most exciting and competitive offers to maximize their advertising efforts, ultimately resulting to higher commissions. This is one page every Affiliate should check out.
Screenshot Library
Here you will find a selection of screenshots from our Sportsbook and Online Casinos, which you can showcase what TT128 has to offer on your website(s). Paired with a brief product write-up, screenshots are a highly effective way to add content and creativity to your site, while highlighting the unique and user friendly interface of TT128. Getting TT128 screenshots for your site is easy, just follow the following steps:
1. Choose which product you would like to promote from the links below;
2. Click on the thumbnail image(s) to open the full size in a new window;
3. Right-click on the full sized image and select “save as” and save it to your computer;
4. You are now ready to upload the screenshot(s) onto your website。

Affiliate Marketing Strategies
Taking part in the affiliate business is a highly competitive venture; however, it should not be cause for despair. For individuals intending to make their affiliate efforts more of a business model over moonlighting with an average pay and living an average life, there are several factors to consider. Relying on free blogs and social networking only gives limited exposure and a brief shelf life as an affiliate. In the early planning stage, the first thing one must consider is building a long-range affiliate strategy, or in a sense, long-term plans as to where one envisions themselves in the next 12-24 months.
Market research has proved that customers are more likely to purchase a product where there is less option to choose from. Successful marketers understood early on that selecting a niche market is a highly effective strategy, therefore focusing on specific products without introducing a stream of products, and to continuously target the selected niche aggressively over a period of time, results to higher conversion rates.
Upon selecting a target market, energies must be focused on search engine marketing, or SEM. The success of affiliate marketing pivots online advertising. In other words, it is the bible, or governing law of affiliate marketing business. There are various options in achieving this; however, the most practical is through SEM. Employing search engines to optimize webmaster web pages will result to higher page ranking and top search result in various search engines. Other alternatives (though costlier) include Google AdWords, PPC, or Overture.
Studying the competition and the target market/s are equally vital for the success of any affiliate undertaking. Advertisers often conduct studies on product and market trends to determine marketability and success rates. This gives potential affiliates a realistic overview and sets their groundwork. Comments and feedback are elements not to be ignored, as these are helpful ways to study the direction of future sales items, web content, and further promotional strategies.
Another effective tool is creating mailing lists where as an affiliate marketer, allows you to send promotional material and updates without having to go through another website creation or new marketing promotions. Email lists can be thought of as an opportunity for profit in the short and long term. Taking the extra effort might mean staring in front of the computer for longer periods of time, sacrificing sleep, or forcing creative juices to flow. Nonetheless, these efforts will eventually pay off big time.
Lastly, affiliates shouldn’t fear new promotional material or fresh advertising strategies. As times passes, technology evolves. Likewise, the online market industry is continuously changing and this leads to tectonic shifts in sales. Adaptation is key for survival in this business. Affiliate marketing is analogous to investment. A smart investor will not tie his or her entire wealth on a single portfolio. Instead, he or she invests in various portfolios. This allows multiple sources of income in case the other fails. Being a wise affiliate marketer means selling products in multiple avenues. In the event of non-payment of commission or link problems occur, one would have other affiliate programs to fall back on.